
Finding nemo fish tank characters
Finding nemo fish tank characters

finding nemo fish tank characters
finding nemo fish tank characters

They require a minimum tank size of 20 gallons with plenty of structure to use for cover and establish a territory. Level Of Care: The Ocellaris Clown is a medium maintenance fish and, in general, is considered a hardy saltwater fish. Clownfish like these are certainly the most iconic saltwater aquarium fish and have captivated hobbyists for decades with their vivacious temperament and hardy nature inside an aquarium. Nemo, Marlin, and Coral are all modeled after Ocellaris Clownfish or False Percula Clownfish ( amphiprion ocellaris). This will not only be a bit easier if it happens to be your very first aquarium, you should be able to pacify young, inquisitive minds just the same. Should you decide that keeping a saltwater tank is just not right for you, consider setting up a freshwater aquarium instead with "Finding Nemo" themed decorations. Just be realistic about the facts and what you can commit to long-term to ensure a long healthy life in captivity for your new aquatic pets. A standard 125 gallon tank measures 48" x 24" x 24". In order for the larger Dory to join Nemo, the tank must be a minimum of 125 gallons. Nemo is an Ocellaris Clownfish that generally stays small and requires a minimum tank size of only 20 gallons. Smaller tanks are generally more affordable and will not require as much effort to maintain, but you will also be limited with what you can keep.


The 5 Minute Guide to Saltwater Aquariums is a comprehensive video series that will take you step-by-step through the process of setting up your very first saltwater aquarium.Īvailable budget and time to maintain the aquarium are incredibly important factors in deciding whether or not you are ready for a saltwater tank.


This guide will provide you with some excellent resources for learning how to set up a saltwater aquarium along with a complete guide to the various species of fish and invertebrates from the movie.īefore deciding which of the adorable characters you want to keep in your Nemo Fish Tank, you should first educate yourself about what it takes to keep a saltwater tank. As with any pet, it's a big responsibility and the first step is deciding whether or not that particular pet is right for you and your family. With a bit of guidance and education, setting up a "Finding Nemo" themed aquarium is very much possible. Nemo, Marlin, Coral, Dory, The Tank Gang, and the entire charismatic cast of characters captivated watchers with incredibly realistic animation modeled after real species found in our world's oceans and in some cases, home aquariums. Disney's animated film "Finding Nemo", released in 2003, and the subsequent "Finding Dory", inspired a wave of curiosity about tropic reefs and saltwater aquariums.

Finding nemo fish tank characters